I recently started using EMCO EventLog Audit Professional and I must say that it is a great tool for managing event logs in a LAN. It has a wide range of features that make it easy to scan, store, and relocate log files from one or multiple machines. The Microsoft SQL Server database integration makes it easy to search for specific materials. Overall, I'm very pleased with the performance of this tool and would highly recommend it to anyone looking for a reliable event log management solution.
EMCO EventLog Audit Professional is a tool for
scanning, storing, and manipulating event log
data on a LAN. It stores the event log data from
all machines on a LAN to a powerful Microsoft
SQL Server database where you can search for any details such as Event ID, Type, Category, Source, User SID, string from the event Message, and Time period, by applying your SQL Queries.
You can build your custom queries through powerful and flexible Query builder of EventLog Audit Professional. You can define an alert from any of these details which will be sent to you by email, with or without an attachment (available in several formats).
EMCO EventLog Audit Professional uses a DCOM service that is automatically sent to the remote computers in order to collect the events. The collection of event logs can be scheduled to run at certain intervals and for certain computers. The collected event logs can be backed up and cleared at the remote end, to avoid collecting the same data, if required. You can also export selected events from an advanced search function to text, PDF, HTML, RTF, and JPEG, and mail attachments can be selected for the same formats.